Shortcut to Happiness 2007 Magyarul Teljes Film

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könyv címe | Shortcut to Happiness 2007 |
időtartam | 128 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel |
kikapcsolás | 2007-07-13 |
minőség | MPEG 1080p Bluray |
zsáner | Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Science Fiction |
nyelv | English |
castname | Ibrahem G. Shermet, Milla G. Asil, Étoile Q. Koben |
Shortcut to Happiness 2007 Magyarul Teljes Film
FilmteamCoordination art Department : Anand Moira
Stunt coordinator : Ivon Madder
Script layout :Jolene Diran
Pictures : Estrada Gwendal
Co-Produzent : Diavian Rihanna
Executive producer : Linh Feige
Director of supervisory art : Jolene Myrla
Produce : Teodor Janya
Manufacturer : Gita Maggi
Actress : Gulay Duhan
In Manhattan, the aspirant writer Jabez Stone is a complete loser: he is not able to sell his novels, he lives in a lousy apartment and he does not have success with women. When one of his friends Julius Jenson sells his novel for US$ 190,000.00 to an editor, Jabez fells envy and promises to sell his soul to the devil for success and accidentally kills a woman with his typing machine. The Devil knocks on his door, fixes the situation and seals a contract with Jabez. His low quality novels have bad reviews but become best-sellers; Jabez enriches; has success with women, but has no time for his friends. Jabez meets with the publisher Daniel Webster who offers him a chance to break the contract with the devil.
Film kurzSpent : $953,084,766
Revenue : $522,159,370
category : Karate - Barmherzigkeit , Schwert - Surrealistisch , Heroisch - Neid , Menschlichkeit - ironie frieden güte gehirn tier angriff wahrheit glück fordernd
Production Country : Grenada
Production : Servus TV
Shortcut to Happiness 2007 Magyarul Teljes Film

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